Thistle Tenant Risks

Protecting your home and belongings

Tenants home contents insurance

Your housing provider may not insure your furniture, belongings and other personal items within your home against theft, fire, vandalism, burst pipes and other household risks. The Thistle Tenant Risks Scheme can offer tenants and residents the chance to insure the contents of their homes.

The Thistle Tenant Risks Home Contents Insurance Scheme is a specialist insurance scheme for social housing tenants.

The Thistle Tenants Risk Scheme is a specialist insurance scheme provided by Thistle Tenant Risks, the policy covers the contents and personal belongings for tenants in social housing against loss or damage from specific events (for example, fire, theft or escape of water).

What’s included in our contents insurance?

The Thistle Tenant Risk Scheme can cover most of your household goods and contents  whilst in your home, such as furniture, TV, clothing, carpets, electrical items and general household goods. It does not cover property used or held for business or professional purposes.

The policy protects the contents of your fridge and freezer. However, damage caused by the deliberate disconnection of your electricity supply is not covered.

Additional cover options can be added to the standard policy for an extra premium.

Terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions apply. You can download a copy of our policy wording here.


Reasons to choose Thistle Tenant Risks

If you're a resident in social housing and you rent your home, then your landlord may not cover your contents as part of the tenancy agreement.

It’s a good idea to check the cover in place and consider what a home contents insurance policy would cover you for, in order to help you make an informed decision on whether you need one.

Contents insurance is designed to help protect your belongings. No matter how careful you are, there’s always a risk that your personal belongings could be broken, damaged or stolen.


Flexible Payment Options

Flexible regular premium payments, fortnightly or monthly by cash, at any post office or pay zone outlet, monthly by direct debit, annually by cheque, postal order, debit or credit card. If you choose to pay fortnightly or monthly you will be choosing our “pay as you go” policy. This is a rolling short-term contract which provides cover for one month and will remain in force for as long as you continue to pay.  The monthly Pay As You Go policies, can be paid by Direct debit, include an additional transaction charge of 4.6%.

The cash options available, which are payable via swipe card at any Post Office either, monthly or fortnightly, also include the card transaction charge of 46p.

Each of these options are more expensive than paying annually.

Email and phone

How Can You Apply?

If you would like to  arrange cover, please contact us on 0345 450 7286 or request a call back using the  contact pageOne of our friendly team members will be happy to help you.



This contents insurance policy has been designed to meet the demands and needs of those living in social housing who wish to insure their possessions. All social housing tenants and residents are eligible to apply.

Home security

Minimum Requirements

You don’t need to have a special door or window locks. As long as your external doors can lock, we can keep you covered. 

Price tag

New for Old Cover

For most items, cover is provided on a new for old basis, with no deduction for wear and tear - except in respect of linen and clothing.


Standard Cover

Cover against fire, theft (theft from outbuildings is limited to £3,000), vandalism, water damage and other household risks. These are examples of the types of risk your contents will be insured for. Full details of the policy cover, limits and exclusions are available on request before you apply for cover.


Standard Accidental Damage Cover

Cover for accidental damage to mirrors, fixed glass in furniture, televisions, home computers, home entertainment equipment, homeworking equipment (up to £500 per claim), and CCTV equipment within your home. A £50 excess may apply. Portable items such as mobile phones can only be covered if Extended Accidental Damage is added to your cover.

Our optional extras

For an additional premium, as part of Thistle Tenant Risks we are able to offer you the following optional extras. Full details of the policy cover and exclusions are available on request before you apply for cover.

Broken window

Extended Accidental Damage

Our extended accidental damage option provides cover to your other contents while they are in your home. This includes portable items such as smartphones, iPads and tablets (£50 excess may apply). Wear and tear and damage that happens gradually, are not covered.

Possession protection

Personal Possessions

Cover against loss, theft, or damage to your personal possessions. For example, clothing and other items designed to be worn or normally carried, whether inside your home or anywhere in the world up to a maximum of 60 consecutive days. Sports equipment is not covered whilst it is in use.

Individual items are covered up to a maximum of 50% of the selected personal possessions sum insured, which you can choose to be £1,000, £2,000, or £3,000.


Wheelchair Cover

Up to £1,000, £2,000 or £3,000 for loss or damage to wheelchairs owned either by you or a family member living with you, or for which you are responsible for. Wheelchairs cannot be licensed for road use or have the ability to exceed speeds of 8mph. Excludes wear and tear, gradual deterioration, electrical or mechanical breakdown.

Hearing aid

Hearing Aid Cover

Get cover for loss or damage to hearing aids owned by you or a family member who lives with you, or for which you are responsible for. Choose from 3 cover limits of either £1,000, £2,000 or £3,0000. Excludes wear and tear, gradual deterioration, electrical or mechanical breakdown and damage caused by pets.


Structure Cover

Up to £500 for loss or damage to the structure of garden huts, greenhouses and garages that from part of your home and are your responsibility. Contents within the structure are covered as standard as long as included within the sum insured, which you can calculate here.

Premiums are based on your postcode, age, level of cover you require and preferred payment method.

This insurance does not cover your property against everything that can happen. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. A copy of the policy wording is available upon request. To make sure that you are always covered you must keep up to date with your payments. If you don't pay your insurance premium your insurance may be cancelled.